About the artist
Irina Hinkel (Motorna) was born on 22.07.1969 in Iwano Frankiwsk (former Stanislaw) in West Ukraina.
This country, its culture and folkloristic elements have deeply influenced her whole life. Her childhood followed the pathway, that was common in a sowjetic state of those days. In this system she was profoundly instructed in dance, music and painting.
Very early she realised, that she wanted to live and work in West Europe. So in 1992 she left her country and settled over to Germany. Here she began her artistic activities. In her own atelier she since then creates her pictures in oil, which have been shown to the public in several exhibitions and evoked very positive echoes in the print media:
“Irina Hinkel, an artist with her roots in Ukraina, doesn’t need wings to gain the peaks of life. Her pictures … are smiling and “seem to have wings”. They are inspired by the love of life, and they carry everybody away.”
(RP Düsseldorf).